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Tulsa Mediation Lawyers

Representing You through the Divorce Mediation Process

The mediation of your divorce is a typical court requirement in Tulsa. The process allows spouses to negotiate the settlement of all divorce issues, such as child custody and visitation, child support, alimony, and the equitable division of marital property. The mediation process takes these issues out of the courtroom where tension, suspicion, and hostility may reign and puts them into a private setting where the parties may come to terms in a calmer, less intimidating setting.

At Hensley and Associates, PLLC, we have found mediation to be the better way when it comes to settling divorce-related disputes. Our firm has helped numerous couples reach amicable arrangements using proven mediation methods. Our Tulsa mediation attorneys have the experience and skills needed to help finalize your divorce peacefully.

Request a consultation by calling (918) 416-4832 or contacting us online.

How Does Mediation Work?

Mediation relieves partners from hashing out their differences in a public forum that can seem threatening. The mediation process promotes a more cooperative exchange between parties. It gives spouses the power and control to reach their own decisions as to what they feel is best for their families.

The first requirement in mediation is for the parties to identify the issues that need to be resolved. As a neutral third party, the mediator’s purpose is to promote conversation between the parties so that issues can be discussed rationally and resolved. In some instances, the meetings may involve having the parties seated in separate rooms so as to avoid any discomfort in confronting the other. Throughout the process, the mediator may consult with each spouse until, through communication and problem-solving, an agreement can be reached.

With this in mind, it makes sense that mediation is:

  • Less time-consuming than a courtroom procedure
  • More affordable
  • Less prone to emotional trauma or disturbance
  • More efficient

If negotiations between the two parties fail, only then will the case need to be taken up in the courtroom where a judge will make decisions on the evidence presented by both sides.

If you and your spouse wish to settle your divorce through mediation, Hensley and Associates, PLLC provides the services you need.

Bring your case to our Tulsa mediation lawyers at (918) 416-4832 or schedule  a consultation online.

Testimonials from Real Clients

  • Jeff and his excellent team worked very hard with my husband’s very difficult custody case to achieve the outcome he deserved.

    “Jeff is a professional, understanding, and thorough attorney.”

    Becky and Jeff

  • We love him so much and he helped do what 4 other attorneys were completely incapable of.

    “My case was very confusing and there was a lot to it and he helped straighten it all out and complete our adoption.”


  • Very trustworthy and knowledgeable.

    “Although there was not much involvement from the opposing party he always had a plan B and C just in case.”


  • He remained calm and very professional while in and out of court.

    “In every situation that came about, Mr. Hensley was compassionate and understanding.”


  • His utmost professionalism, intricate knowledge of the law, attention to every detail, and ability to produce fair and favorable outcomes.

    “Jeff has demonstrated genuine concern for my situation and has been a much needed source of legal expertise.”
